Thursday, 28 July 2011

B.i.C.S. will you be there?

Just got confirmation from BICS, finally it's all go! The table has been booked and I'm on the list so I'm good to go in. Just got all my badges printed and they are looking good, the book, postcards and posters are all ready to be picked up from the printers on Monday....This is so exciting! :)

Friday, 22 July 2011

It's publishing soon.........I Hope!

The 25th of July will soon be here. 
Yes! this is it, the publication of the Preview issue. The first thing I have ever published. It's a little nerve wracking and I hope people will enjoy it, I've waited too long to do this and the fact that I've finally got around to it will be something to celebrate, Perhaps on my own in a darkened room with a bottle of gin! 
The first issue is currently underway, I'm not sure how long it will take but I hope you will all stick with me.
There are 80 pages of script and I am looking to spread it out over 12 issues, I can't lie to you it may take some time, but I assure you It will be worth it......Promise!

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Can't stop creating!

Just a quick pencil design for some more promotional material!
Not heard anything back yet concerning this years BICS! Hoping it doesn't all fall through after putting so much work into preparing for it, If anyone knows any details, please get in touch.

Friday, 8 July 2011

I'm becoming slightly obsessed with showing everyone stuff, but just to wet the appetite, here's one of the internal pages from the preview issue....One thing to remember is my work is continually evolving so as I progress it's going to get better and better ;)

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Anyone want any postcards?

I've just finished this cover which I'm hopefully using as a stand at this years BICS (British
international Comic Show) August 27th. 
I may make it into postcards and a poster. So if you're there, come and seek me out. This will be my first show so I'm a little unfamiliar with the whole process...Be gentle!

The Preview issue should be out ready for the event and will be available at quite a reasonable price so please come and say hello! It will be a limited run and all proceeds will go into making the first issue!


This is the cover of the preview issue of Carcass & Slime

 Hello and welcome to the 'CARCASS & SLIME' blog. What is this? I hear you say.....Well this is my first attempt at creating my own comic book, something I've wanted to do since I was a small child having picked up that issue of 'Captain America' on a small caravan site in Newquay one hot summer holiday.
From small acorns as they say!